Query and manipulate database without Odin models interfering


const { DB } = require("@foxify/odin");


import { DB } from "@foxify/odin";

Table of Contents

DB.connection(connection: string)

Specify the database connection.

const db = DB.connection("default");

DB.collection(collection: string)

Specify the database collection.

It sets default as the connection.

const db = DB.collection("users");

db.collection(collection: string)

Specify the database collection.

const db = db.collection("users");

db.aggregate(…objects: object[] | object[][])

Pushes the deep flattened array of the given objects to query aggregation.

const db = db.aggregate(
    $match: {
      foo: "bar",
    $sort: {
      foo: 1,

db.join(collection: string, query?: DB.JoinQuery, as?: string)

Joins the given collection by the given query (which has a default value) as as which is the collection by default

const db = db.join("user_bills", q => q.where("user_id", "users.id"), "bills");

db.map(mapper: (item: object, index: number, items: object[]) => void)

Gives the given mapper to mongodb aggregation cursor map method.

const db = db.map((item, index, items) => item);

db.orderBy(field: string | { [field: string]: “asc” | “desc” }, order?: “asc” | “desc”)

Sorts results by the given values.

const db = db.orderBy("foo");
const db = db.orderBy({
  foo: "asc",
  bar: "desc",